Project Vehicle for Vets
How do Veterans not owning their own vehicles get to their VA appointments?
VA recognizes Veterans who are visually impaired, elderly, or immobilized due to disease or disability, and particularly those living in remote and rural areas face challenges traveling to their VA health care appointments. Veterans Transportation Service (VTS) is working to establish Mobility Managers at each local VA facility to help Veterans meet their transportation needs.
However, there are huge limitations to the VTS program including program restrictions based on availability and time restraints with late afternoon appointments not serviceable.
That leaves family members, friends or local transportation as last option. But not every Veteran has a neighbor or friend with an open schedule and local transportation for some of our veterans, if even available, is not easy to navigate and not easy to use. Available transportation often isn't accessible to veterans with disabilities, veterans suffering from PTSD who are prone to triggers, and veterans who require oxygen.
Thus we are teaming up with a local Veteran's Organization in Hillsborough County, Florida to implement a "Rides for Vets" program that will offer free rides to and from VA appointments. We are still working out the details of the project, but are in the middle of raising funds to secure a vehicle for transportation. THIS IS WHERE YOU COME IN!!!
We know this time of year everyone is looking to find gifts for family and friends. Thus we thought why not combine the fundraising efforts with gift giving?!?! And a healthy gift on top of it? Buy one, two, three or more. Your contribution will surely make a difference and then check back with us frequently to follow the project progress in the Blog section.
For every purchase of the doTERRA Essential Oil Intro Kit, $10 will be donated to the cause.
Got questions about doTERRA or how to use Essential Oils, please contact Maggie Roberts @863-327-2111 or email